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Looking for easy-to-implement tricks for building a marketing strategy for your startup that maximizes your ROI for every dollar spent?

Pour a drink and click around.

The lack of strategic web copy is more common than you would think, and can be deadly for any startup.

Copywriting, Website Tips

Unlocking the Power of Compelling Web Copy for Startups

woman in tan sweater typing on laptop


Are you on the brink of launching your startup’s website? Here’s a comprehensive pre-launch plan

Early Stage Startups, Website Tips

Launching Your Startup’s Website: A Comprehensive Pre-Launch Roadmap

2 men looking at computer in large work space


A startup’s survival hinges on more than just a flashy website or a hefty marketing budget. It’s about a story—a brand story that not only defines who you are but also sets you apart from the noise. In a recent post, we emphasized the critical importance of getting CRYSTAL CLEAR on your messaging. Let’s dive […]

Branding, Marketing Strategy

The Power of Your Startup’s Brand Story: Why It Matters and How to Find It

Woman telling brand story


Navigating the Terrain: Market Strategy vs. Messaging In business, success hinges not only on the quality of your product or service but also on your ability to effectively communicate its value to the right audience. This is where the distinction between market strategy and messaging becomes crucial. While market strategy involves the overall plan to […]

Copywriting, Marketing Strategy, Website Tips

Market Strategy vs. Messaging

Market Strategy vs. Messaging


If we asked you to rate the effectiveness of your messaging on a scale of 1-5, where would you fall?  If you said 1-4, keep reading… Strong messaging is rooted in a good communications strategy. And that strategy is built on your brand’s core values –– effectively communicating who you are, what you do and […]

Copywriting, Marketing Strategy

​​4 Surefire Ways Poor Messaging Will Drive Your Business into the Ground

macbook and notebook open on desk


Here at Carter House Copy, we LOVE a good listicle. And we mean LOVE.  Why? Because bulleted lists: Did you enjoy that mini-listicle about why we love listicles? 😉 Lists are appealing to a wide range of audiences due to a number of components, but what we hear most often is how easy they are […]

Copywriting, Website Tips

6 Sexy Ways to Write Lists People Will Read

person reading blog on laptop


Ah, the homepage of your website. It’s probably the most important page on your site. It’s what draws users in, communicates your core message and, hopefully, what leads users to become clients. There are a ton of articles out there with tips on what and what not to include on your homepage, but the reality […]

Copywriting, Website Tips

How to Write a Homepage That CONVERTS

monitoring website conversion data


As your potential clients make their way along the sales journey, they come in contact with your brand through different channels and mediums. The question we want to ask you today is, are you nailing your brand messaging at EVERY touchpoint? If your answer is “Nope” or “How exactly do I do that?” –– keep […]

Branding, Copywriting

How to NAIL Your Brand Messaging at EVERY Touchpoint

content planning on whiteboard


Let me guess, you clicked on this article hoping you’d find a set word count range for your website copy. Most people think that when we’re given a magic number (say, 1,200 words) it will make content creation easier and help us achieve all of our web copy goals. THINK AGAIN!  We’re here to tell you […]

Copywriting, Website Tips

How Long Should Web Copy Be? The Answer May Surprise You

woman typing on Macbook


Ok — we’ve got some knowledge to drop on you about how to sell to your audience. Below are our top four sales page hacks you can use to turn those visits to your sales page into dollar signs.  Are you ready for it?  Sales Page Hack #1: Know your people. Yes. We said it […]

Copywriting, Website Tips

The ONLY Sales Page Hacks You’ll Ever Need

laptop on a beautiful wooden dining room table with white walls


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