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Looking for easy-to-implement tricks for building a marketing strategy for your startup that maximizes your ROI for every dollar spent?

Pour a drink and click around.

Navigating the Terrain: Market Strategy vs. Messaging In business, success hinges not only on the quality of your product or service but also on your ability to effectively communicate its value to the right audience. This is where the distinction between market strategy and messaging becomes crucial. While market strategy involves the overall plan to […]

Copywriting, Marketing Strategy, Website Tips

Market Strategy vs. Messaging

Market Strategy vs. Messaging


Search Engine Optimization — or, what the cool kids call “SEO.” It takes time to understand the entirety of what SEO is and the impact it can have on your brand’s visibility and credibility — but, in short, SEO is the process of improving your site’s organic traffic and ranking on search engines (think Google, […]

Website Tips

3 SEO Tips You Can Start Using TODAY

man on macbook looking at SEO data


Get ready for an unpopular opinion of sorts, okay? Today we’re talking alllll about your navigation menu and we have a feeling some feathers are about to get a little bit ruffled. Here’s why: You need to stop using cutesy and creative page titles in your navigation menu. What exactly are we talking about? Navigation […]

Website Tips

The Case for a Boring Navigation Menu

Girl in pink pants looking at laptop on white bedspread


We hate to break it to you, but… Your About Page isn’t really all about you. When you’re trying to write an About Page that ACTUALLY SELLS — the focus of what you’re writing makes a huuuuuge shift from being ABOUT YOU to ABOUT THEM. (And “them”? They’re your dream client or customer. Ideally, your […]

Copywriting, Website Tips

How to Write an About Page that Converts


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