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Looking for easy-to-implement tricks for building a marketing strategy for your startup that maximizes your ROI for every dollar spent?

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Startup founders — you’ve got a groundbreaking product or service ready to launch into the world, but how do you ensure it reaches the right people?  Your target audience guides your marketing efforts. By defining who your ideal customers are and identifying their pain points, you can better tailor marketing messaging and strategies to effectively […]

Early Stage Startups

Target Audience 101: How to Identify Your Target Audience (And Communicate with Them!)


Launching a startup is difficult. While you’re working diligently to promote your brand and boost awareness and sales, resources are often scarce, and every penny counts.  To effectively execute and maintain marketing efforts, measuring Return on Investment (ROI) is not just important—it’s crucial. Below, we’ll cover the significance of measuring marketing ROI for startups and […]

Early Stage Startups

Cracking the Code: A Startup’s Guide to Marketing ROI Measurement


Establishing your startup’s distinct brand identity is not just about having a flashy logo or catchy slogan. It’s about creating a lasting impression that resonates with your audience, sets you apart from competitors and ultimately drives customer loyalty.  Below, we dive into three essential startup branding strategies for crafting a brand identity that stands out, […]

Branding, Early Stage Startups

Startup Branding: How to Craft Your Startup Brand Identity


As a startup founder, you know what wearing multiple hats is like. You are your startup’s CEO, COO, CTO, CFO… the list goes on. And while those roles may come a bit easier to you — one challenge we consistently see startup founders face is stepping into the role of CMO – Chief Marketing Officer. […]

Early Stage Startups

Startup Marketing 101: Marketing Resources for Founders


Congratulations! You’re officially a Founder. You’ve worked hard to bring your vision to life — and now? You’re STUCK when it comes to marketing. Marketing can be a tricky aspect of your business to navigate — but it doesn’t have to be the nagging weight on your shoulders you just can’t seem to shake, especially […]

Branding, Early Stage Startups

How to Market Your Startup: A Guide for Early-Stage Founders


What do you do when you get customer feedback? Do you bask in the compliments and avoid negative comments? Well, remember that Minimum Viable Product (MVP) you proudly launched? It’s time for its glow-up, and customer feedback is the key to its transformation. Overlooking customer feedback is a perilous misstep that can have far-reaching consequences. […]

Marketing Strategy

Prioritizing Customer Feedback

Reading client feedback


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