How Sylvia Kang and Mira Have Changed the TTC Game

TTC or trying to conceive is a deeply personal time in one’s family planning. While many imagine this stage to be joyful and exciting—and it can be!—the TTC stage can also be an intensely private and stressful time for someone looking to grow their family. 

That’s exactly why people like Sylvia Kang and products like Mira are vitally important. You’ve seen the dramatic headlines, so you already know that the general fertility rate has declined in the United States over the past decade. 

In fact, about 12% of women aged 15 to 44 years old have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term. Women who skew closer to the latter half of the 15 to 44 age range can have a much more challenging path toward becoming pregnant and carrying to term. 

Not to mention the added stress of PCOS, endometriosis, hypothyroidism, and other health-related (and often undiagnosed) obstacles to an “easy” full-term pregnancy. 

We’ve all heard the “frightening” tales and fear-mongering around women trying to get pregnant in their 30s and 40s. While this writer will not be using the “g-word” to describe any pregnancy at any age, the need for support and clarity around fertility is clear. 

Sylvia Kang from Forbes article

Sylvia Kang, picture courtesy of Forbes

What Does TTC Mean? The Role of the Mira Fertility Tracker

TTC is an acronym that describes the entire journey of preparing to become pregnant. While there are countless cheeky jokes about how this would be “the fun part” of family planning, it’s often the opposite. TTC includes (but is certainly not limited to) research, nutrition, medical visits, planning, fertility treatments, and really difficult conversations. 

TTC can also include pregnancy loss, emotional duress, and dozens of unanswered questions. 

Simply put, TTC is a physical, emotional, and mental journey that can diverge from any planned path. 

Sylvia Kang’s Journey to Creating the Mira Fertility Tracker

Like many female founders in fem tech, Sylvia Kang learned this ugly set of TTC truths firsthand. 

After witnessing her friends struggle with their fertility, Kang was inspired to leave her corporate job and apply her biomedical degree to create a product that would be a game-changer for her friends and, ultimately, herself. 

Before at-home tests and trackers like Mira’s fertility trackers, women looking for fertility help could navigate their health insurance resources, copays, and underwhelming input from doctors—only to end up feeling more lost than they started. 

Per Forbes, Mira is the first FDA and CE-registered comprehensive women's health monitoring platform with 99% accuracy in clinical trials. Ninety-nine percent! 

Like the TTC process itself, Kang found the entrepreneurial space to be riddled with unexpected obstacles, disappointments, and surprising opportunities. 

What Makes the Mira Fertility Tracker Unique?

Let’s rewind about ten years or so. Before at-home testing became normalized, the path to clarity around fertility relied on anecdotes and flippant medical advice. 

Before fertility trackers and at-home hormone testing, women were left to the lengthy, expensive, and nebulous process of TTC with medical “help” from their doctors. Translation: it’s typically a long, expensive process without clear answers. 

Then, at-home fertility tests, ovulation strips, and other devices began to emerge on the market. This was great news for many, but there was still a problem. Many, if not all, of these tools gave a little information without too much context. What good is knowing your FSH levels if they change or fluctuate? What do any of these numbers actually mean? 

Mira stands out in the FemTech marketplace because it uses AI to learn about each tester’s unique hormone levels. Other products rely on one of two-line estimations. Even with an irregular cycle, Mira provides accurate, numerical readings that are automatically synced and analyzed in the Mira app. 

Mira’s fertility tracker is an at-home hormone lab that tracks LH, E3G, PdG, and FSH. What do these hormones track? 

  • LH: Predicts your ovulation day

  • E3G: Predicts your full 6-day fertile window 

  • PdG: Confirms that you ovulated

  • FSH: Give an overall look at your fertility

In an age where it has become commonplace to prick, poke, and jab ourselves to test hormones and administer medications, using Mira is easy (and blood-free! Hurray!). In fact, the Mira monitor uses urinalysis to track your hormones.

Due to its ease of use, Mira also learns more about your cycle throughout time. As these personalized fertility insights compound, a Mira user learns more about her hormones, fertility, and all the variations different women experience. Just like no fertility journey is identical to another, no hormonal changes are, either. 

How Mira Provides Long-Term Support + Fertility Care

Once the Mira fertility tracker was funded, approved, and ready to revolutionize the TTC community, Sylvia Kang could have called Mira a success. 

In fact, the Success Stories section of Mira’s website details hundreds of fertility stories. These stories have titles like “The 7-Year Journey from Contraception to Conception” and “Conceiving After 40: My Mira Journey to Three Pregnancies”

Like many of our favorite female leaders, Kang persisted.

Kang describes one of the best lessons she has learned through entrepreneurship. It’s “know what you need,” and she takes that lesson to heart with Mira. As she learned more about what women need throughout their fertility journey, Mira’s offerings grew to accommodate each unique challenge—and the all-too-common gaps in products and information around them.

To that end, Mira offers a variety of products, courses, and services to give each woman a 360-degree understanding of their own fertility needs. 

Mira’s products and services include: 

As a brand, Mira could have easily offered one revolutionary product that empowers women and improves the fertility experience. However, under Kang’s leadership, Mira has cemented itself as a brand that can assist in women’s health before, during, and after TTC.  

In fact, her continuous quest for clarity around fertility is why Kang was named one of Inc. Magazine’s 250 female founders in 2024

Beyond the products, courses, and clinics, Mira also hosts a library of content that explores everything from birth control to menopause. 

Why the Mira Fertility Tracker is a Game-Changer for TTC 

Sylvia Kang’s inspirational story is one of our favorite parts of working with innovative folks in the HealthTech and FemTech space. 

By offering personalized, data-driven solutions, Sylvia Kang and Mira have revolutionized fertility tracking. By taking it a few steps further and using AI technology for hormone analysis, the Mira fertility tracker provides TTC women with a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of their own fertility cycles. 

Innovation like this is infectious. Not only do companies like Mira empower women to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. They also transform the way future businesses explore cutting-edge solutions for problems that have—let’s face it—flagrantly worn out their welcome. 

Companies like Mira—and entrepreneurs like Sylvia Kang—inspire and create space for more innovation. 

Carter House Copy proudly partners with FemTech and HealthTech companies like Mira to spread their message and amplify their impact. If you’re a founder in FemTech, let us act as your megaphone. 

Learn more about how Mira is shaping the future of fertility care by visiting their website or engaging with their innovative offerings today.


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